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Finagraph TaxReader
The fastest and easiest way to enter tax return data into your loan origination system
Convert PDF tax returns into JSON for direct electronic import into Loan Origination Systems
Save time. Improve accuracy. Easy to use.
Easy as 1, 2, 3
Drag and drop
Users drag files into the control hosted on your website
Electronic reading
Finagraph TaxReader creates a JSON representation of the key-value pairs from the tax return.
Instant import
The JSON can then be imported directly into Loan Origination Systems.
The Finagraph TaxReader:
Automatically reads any machine-created tax return PDF file.*
Instantly reads the data for auto-population into the loan origination software
Say goodbye to:
The laborious manual process of inputting tax return data into your loan origination software
Printing out tax returns and sitting behind a computer screen for hours manually entering fields from multiple tax forms
​*Does not work with scanned files
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